Ifad Autos to sell land in Gazipur

Date: 2023-05-21 01:00:17
Ifad Autos to sell land in Gazipur
The value of the land is Tk16.50 crore, according to a filing on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) on Sunday.Ifad Autos had witnessed a significant fall in profit in the January to March quarter and incurred loss in the first nine months of the current fiscal year.According to it s financials, it s earnings per share (EPS) declined to Tk0.35 in the January to March of 2022-23, which was Tk1.22 in the same time of the previous fiscal year.During the July-March of FY2022-23, Ifad Autos loss per stood at Tk0.30.During the same time of the previous fiscal year it s EPS was Tk2.14.

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