Bitcoin in Senegal: Why is this African country using BTC?

Date: 2023-04-04 05:00:20
Bitcoin in Senegal: Why is this African country using BTC?
Dakar, the capital of the West African nation of Senegal, now boasts an annual Pan-African Bitcoin conference, over 10 merchants accepting Bitcoin, a local peer-to-peer BTC exchange and a budding Bitcoin community.Whats more, the speed at which Bitcoins progress is unwinding is staggering. The city hosted the DakarBTC Days conference just 10 months after the countrys first in real life Bitcoin meetup. All of this is despite a brutal bear market that has put a big dent in Bitcoin adoption.Nourou points to the wings of Africa during an interview.Read alsoFeaturesFeaturesSenegals first in-person BTC meetup in February 2022. Nourou is second from right, while I am fifth from left (back row).With Nourou backstage ahead of the start of the conference.Read alsoFeaturesFeaturesA tattoo parlor now accepting BTC.I give away free Bitcoin to conference-goers. As you can see from onlookers smiling away, it became part of the conferences entertainment.The face you make when someone says they know Satoshi.SubscribeThe most engaging reads in blockchain. Delivered once a week

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